Ethan Nascimento

Age: 16

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Season Age Series Starts Wins ASP AFP eARP ASP-FP eGR-LR PFAE Avg. PFAE Laps Led Laps Run %LL %LC
2023 15 ARCA, ARCA West 12 0 15.92 15.17 14.58 0.75 -0.20 -1.70 -0.141 0 1152 0.00 72.41
Owner Car Season Series Starts Wins Average Start Average Finish Avg. PFAE
Eric Nascimento 04 2023 ARCA 1 0 32.00 26.00 -0.700
Eric Nascimanto Sr 21 2023 ARCA West 1 0 11.00 14.00 -4.341
Eric Nascimento 04, 21 2023 ARCA West 8 0 14.25 14.38 -0.125
Eric Nascimento Sr 21 2023 ARCA West 2 0 17.00 13.50 2.173

If you see any numbers that are odd, they probably are, especially if it appears a series if missing a lot of laps led or a driver has the same start as they do finish (in aggregate). We have to do a bit of data cleanup to make things useful, and as a result some missing data is covered up with defaults that hopefully won't pervert the results too much.